Monday, September 30, 2013

For millions of years, mosquitoes have sucked the blood of their prey and transmitted deadly diseases in the process. If not for mosquitoes, countless human lives could have been spared. Yet wishful thinking simply won’t do any good, which is why it pays to be prepared for any mosquito attack.

You can follow a variety of methods to deal with mosquitoes in and around your home. Yet whatever method you choose, keep in mind that mosquitoes can be quite resilient and quick to adapt. You need to be thorough and destroy their habitats by resorting to methods like misting and fogging.

These days, misting is considered one of the most popular and effective mosquito killing techniques. This procedure involves emitting a kind of artificially produced vapor which contains substances that can take down mosquitoes in a wide area. Modern mosquito misting systems include remote control-operated drum apparatus with extract of chrysanthemum inside.

Mosquitoes thrive in places where there's standing water, such as ponds or even aquariums. To prevent these bugs from spreading, you can pour oil on the water and thereby prevent adult mosquitoes from feeding their young. Meanwhile, be sure to get rid of any puddle or stagnant water that forms after every rain.
Most people think that ticks are ponly a dog's problem, but Dermacentor variabilis, Ixodes scapularis, and Amblyomma maculatum also feed on humans if given the chance. Common people should not fool themselves into thinking that ticks are just a minor nuisance. Just like any other pest, ticks bring with them a myriad of diseases that can be potentially lethal to humans.

One of the most common ailments linked to tick bites is the so-called Lyme disease, which is characterized by symptoms like headaches, fatigue, muscle pain, and rashes that resemble an ordinary allergic reaction. The disease can be treated with the use of antibiotics, although the allergy-like symptoms may lead to some misdiagnoses. If not treated immediately, the disease can cause heart and nerve complications that may take weeks, months, or even years to fully manifest.

People with allergies may even suffer from Anaphylaxis if they're bitten by ticks. This is a severe form of allergic reaction that can result unconsciousness (due to shock) and even death in extreme cases. Other diseases attributed to tick bites include Tularemia, Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Babesiosis. Some people may even need tetanus shots to treat tick bites, depending on the bacteria that's present in the bites.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Aside from being the carriers of several deadly diseases, what makes mosquitoes so problematic is the fact that they are so resilient and difficult to eliminate. Mosquitoes can thrive in some of the most inhospitable environments, which is why a key component in any effective mosquito control strategy involves making the environment around them as unsuitable for breeding as possible. The deployment of an effective misting system is a step toward realizing this goal.

Misting systems work by releasing pesticides at set intervals throughout a specific area of coverage. By dispersing the pesticides at particular times, the odds that any mosquitoes will survive are greatly reduced. The area being treated with insecticide spray essentially becomes hostile to mosquitoes, causing them to avoid it altogether.

Such a technology has helped countless homes keep stubborn mosquitoes at bay and thereby keep household occupants safe from fatal illnesses. The good news is that the majority of mosquito misting systems are quite affordable, thus enabling a lot more consumers to enjoy the advantages of this technology. Meanwhile, to ensure that you're getting your money's worth, be sure to transact only with certified mosquito control experts who offer safe and eco-friendly solutions guaranteed to produce results in no time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mosquitoes are quite the persistent pests, and what makes them more unpleasant is the fact that a good percentage of them are known to carry harmful diseases. Yet while many people want as little to do with mosquitoes as possible, not everyone is sold on the idea of using potentially toxic insect repellents. Luckily, the availability of non-chemical  mosquito elimination methods provides consumers a safer way to handle the mosquito menace in their respective communities.

One way to control the mosquito population in any given area is to eradicate potential breeding sites. Objects such as open birdbaths and even rubber tires collect water and can act as prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes. The simple act of removing these things can help drastically lower the local mosquito population and allow you to steer clear of the diseases these bugs carry.

You can also follow a few practical tips to reduce the risk of a potentially harmful mosquito bite. For instance, you can wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to reduce the amount of skin that is exposed to mosquitoes. You can also choose to stay indoors when the mosquitoes are most active, particularly such as at sunrise and at sunset, so you can avoid those bothersome bites.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Malaria is a serious disease caused by a mosquito infected with the Plasmodium parasite. Among the symptoms of this disease are high fevers, nausea, vomiting, and flu-like illness, and when not promptly treated, malaria can cause kidney failure, seizures, coma, and even death. Malaria cases are most common in tropical and subtropical countries, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1,500 cases of malaria are reported in the United States each year.

As the head of your household, you need to ensure your family's protection against Plasmodium parasite-carrying mosquitoes by enlisting mosquito control specialists. There are two ways these companies control mosquitoes: barrier spray and automatic misting system. Barrier spray is effective at getting rid of mosquitoes on contact, while the dried residue can protect your surroundings and keep your family safe from disease-carrying mosquitoes for as long as 21 days.

Meanwhile, an automatic misting system uses spray nozzles that are designed to spray pesticides in a thin mist to eliminate mosquitoes. An automatic misting system can be set to spray for as long as 30 seconds and as often as four times a day. However, when you engage a mosquito control company, check if they use EPA-approved ingredients for their pesticides such as permethrin, pyrethrins, and piperonyl butoxide; avoid companies that use pesticides that contain high-risk ingredients like Borax and Imidacloprid.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Some people think that their pet dogs having parasites is no big deal since all they need is a dash of flea powder. However, with recent news from citing that 300,000 Americans are now diagnosed each year with Lyme disease, Buster constantly scratching himself could be a real cause for alarm. It is possible that the cause of his itchiness is the blacklegged tick, a known carrier of Lyme disease.

The blacklegged tick is sometimes referred to as deer tick because it commonly attaches itself on deer that thrive on grasslands and heavily wooded areas. However, this type of tick can often lurks in the leaves and grass right in your own lawn or garden, and here, they rest in a position called “nesting” until they find a new host. Despite their name, they feed on the blood of species other than deer, including dogs, reptiles, rodents, and humans.

When a person is infected with Lyme disease, the symptoms are similar to flu and are thus often ignored. However, according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, about 60 to 80 percent of the time, the first symptom is an unusual rash that is similar to a bull's eye patch; in most cases, this rash isn't itchy at all but is warm to the touch. In extreme cases, the symptoms of Lyme disease include severe headaches, painful arthritis, and heart and central nervous system troubles.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A July 25, 2013 article on the USA Today website suggests that mosquitoes are denying children outdoor play, which could lead to obesity. Mosquitoes can breed in such large quantities that they can discourage kids from coming out to play and keep them passive during the summer. No good parent would ever want his or her child to come across mosquitoes; these dangerous insects are responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide every year. Moms and dads shouldn't keep their young cooped up indoors out of fear, either. The best solution to the problem is to install outdoor mosquito control measures, with help from exterminating companies like Mosquito Squad. Kids are delicate little things, and they'll need their outdoor games in order to maintain a healthy physique. However, being outdoors could also invite mosquitoes that are riddled with diseases. It can't be stressed enough that playgrounds should be made mosquito-free before letting the children play in them.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ever wish the mosquitoes simply ceased to exist? Well technically speaking, there are ways to completely eradicate every mosquito on the planet, although there are huge ecological consequences that will result from such measures if they are ever carried out. Aside from calling in professional mosquito control services, the best you can do is take preventive measures to minimize your exposure to mosquitoes.

This is because the Smithsonian recently found out that female mosquitoes are attracted to a number of everyday things like beer, exercise, and bright clothes. Avoiding these things, especially during peak hours when mosquito activity is heavy, can reduce one's chances of getting bitten. Health officials also recommend using window screens, insect repellants, and even household fans to ward off mosquitoes, especially indoors.

Meanwhile, professionals can step in by spraying insecticides in areas rife with mosquitoes as well as sealing up/removing potential breeding grounds like barrels, open containers, old tires, and flower vases. They can also provide reliable misting systems that can allow a household to regularly spray their premises with insecticides and create an impenetrable “no fly zone” for mosquitoes at any given day. These systems can work in tandem with municipal mosquito control projects to ensure that the entire neighborhood is mostly mosquito-free.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mosquitoes might be small insects, but they constitute the most dangerous family of animals on earth. The critters could be vectors of deadly infectious diseases such as dengue, malaria, chikungunya, yellow fever, and others, which they carry from one infected person to another. Think about that the next time you let the pests bite you.

Typically, gravid female mosquitoes emerge from their hiding places at dusk to feed on the blood of mammals. Children still playing outdoors during these times are easy prey to these pests, and the poor young ones could become infected from just a single bite. Rather than prohibiting their kids from playing outside, parents should consider hiring an exterminator to effectively control the mosquito population in their surroundings.

Exterminators have a wide variety of tools at their disposal to help them deal with any mosquito threat. Some of the more popular treatments they utilize include fumigating the area and using natural insecticides. Homeowners who are constantly beset by mosquitoes regardless of what they do might want to consider installing mosquito control systems in their yard that automatically spray a mist that kills the insects. Mosquitoes may be deadly, but humanity can defeat these threats with an array of efffective insecticides.
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